Haxley the Mouse...
Slide Down My Rainbow
Once upon a time in a beautiful forest lived a little mouse, he was a sweet little mouse, and a very funny little mouse...but he was also a curious little mouse...He had been out at the pond very early this morning, even before the sun woke up, him & his friends wanted to catch the biggest and best fish for dinner...by noon, with a bucket full of very impressive fish he returned home excited to show off his catch..."Wowww Haxley" said his mom, "we will be eating fish for days!" she laughed..Haxley had a big smile on his face...and a bigger grumble in his belly...after all he rushed out of the house that morning without eating breakfast...RUMBBBBLE, growled his stomach again..."Mom I'm starving!" he said, "Little mouse, why dont you go to your room and rest a bit while I prepare you some lunch"...Haxley smiled at his mom and went upstairs to his room. He sat down on his bed and flipped through a magazine, but he was to hungry to read, he lay back on his pillow and looked out his window as the sun gently shined in...He could see the leaves of the big oak tree rustling in the warm breeze...and the birds were rhythmically chirping...yawwwn...as his little eyes were getting heavy, he saw something red and shiny in the tree...he squinted..was it an apple?..he hopped out of bed..climbed out the window, and onto the tree..yesss it was a red yummy apple...he reached, and reached for it..but he lost his balance..uh ohhhh...he was falling...bump...weeeeeeee...he was sliding down a beautiful rainbow!!...weeeeeeeee this is fun!!! He was sliding faster and faster as he approached land...when he saw the grass he jumped off the rainbow...wowwww...he had never seen a forest like this before...everything was so colourful! Mmm whats this, a gingerbread man...the starving little mouse went to take a nibble.."OUCHHHH..do i look like a steak to you?!" said the gingerbread man...the little mouse was startled..."Uh yeah kinda" he laughed "Where am I?" "Your in the magical forest, you must of slid down the rainbow" "I sure did and it was fun, hey do yall have anything i can eat here, I'm starving!" "Yeah i noticed" said the gingerbread man, rubbing his arm..."Follow me" The little mouse had noticed that all the trees weren't trees they were lollipops...and he couldn't help but lick them as they wandered through the forest..then he saw an elephant, an animal cracker elephant! Mmmm he thought to himself..."keep walking little mouse" said the gingerbread man.. "And stop licking the trees!" Then they came to a river, the water looked very muddy...the gingerbread man and the little mouse got inside a boat..a banana boat...Mmmm thought the starving little mouse as he nibbled on the side of the boat when the gingerbread man wasn't looking..Mmmm...suddenly the banana boat started to fill up with the muddy water, but..it wasn't muddy water at all...it was chocolate sauce...Mmmm...You made the Banana Split!! said the gingerbread man...but the little mouse was too busy dipping the banana in the chocolate river and eating it! When they finally swam to shore...the chocolate covered mouse felt a big whaaack! The gingerbread man had just hit him with a snowball..."That's for eating the boat!" he yelled...and threw another snowball at the mouse..."Ohhh ya..look out I'm the snowball throwing champion" said the little mouse as he gathered the snow to make a snowball...but the snow wasn't cold, or wet...it was goowie..Mmmm...and smelled yummy...it was marshmallows!!!!...Thud...the mouse was hit with another marshmallow snowball...as he scooped it up and ate it the gingerbread man just shook his head.."This place is awesome!" said the mouse...just then he heard a familiar voice calling his name..HAAAAXLEY....his eyes popped open, and he was back in his bed..."Lunch is ready..." Ohhh it was all a very yummy dream!!!!....and the little mouse went back down to the kitchen and enjoyed a delicious grilled fish sandwich...and.... a banana split with lots of chocolate sauce for dessert!!!!!
Sweet yummy dreams!