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London Vacation

...Once upon a time.. in a beautiful forest, lived a little mouse, he was a very sweet little mouse, and a funny little mouse, but...he was a curious little mouse, and he was fascinated by the much so... that he decided he was going to go to London, England...he knew it was far, far away...and that the mice in London spoke very proper, and ate things like eggy bread for breakfast. He couldn't wait to go...but he only had a very short time to go...just one weekend in fact...after a long flight he would only have a few hours before he had to get back on the plane and come back home to the beautiful forest...but that didn't stop him, he was determined to go on this adventure, even if it was going to be short...he grabbed his suitcase, packed his wellies & raincoat (everyone knows it always rains in England after all!) a cozy pair of jammies & his toothbrush & was off to the airport...the flight left on time...and as he sat in his seat he looked out the window and saw a spectacular lovely he thought...his little eyes started to get very heavy, and the movie he was watching was starting to fade as he felt himself slip away into dreamland....then...he felt a tap on his shoulder..."Excuse me...please put your seat belt on, we are about to land..." wowww he thought that was fast!! And here he London!!...and yes indeed everyone did speak proper...and yes of course it was rainy...just like he thought!...He was sooo excited to be here...he grabbed his little suitcase, and ran out the big doors...Hoooooonk!!!!....Oh my goodness!! Haxley was almost run over by a car...ohhhh dear...he forgot they drive on the wrong side of the street here...he knew he would have to keep that in mind!!....Ohhh so many exciting things to do & soooo little time...ok priorities. He always wanted to see Big Ben & Buckingham Palace, and take the double decker bus to Piccadilly Circus and shop his little heart out..and so he did...after a looong day of site seeing, and shopping...and taking many many pictures he enjoyed a nice curry and a pint of beer....he walked over to the underground...and took the tube to Victoria Station...then walked to his was dark and rainy...and he had a full day...he got into bed....but he couldn't sleep...hmmmm...he counted the hours...Ohhh dear its only 6pm back home at the beautiful forest, no wonder I can’t sleep....he put on the telly and finally fell asleep as the sun peeked thru his windows...his eyes popped open...oh dear, I have to catch my flight. He jumped in the shower, quickly got dressed & packed his time for breakfast...and he ate a handful of jelly babies in the cab for breakfast...The flight home wasn't so peaceful...turbulence, crying baby...and a stomach ache all didn't help!!!...By the time he arrived to his home airport, he was cranky, and tired...and hungry!!...Poor Haxley was jet lagged!...He walked thru the terminal...looking to find his car...Eenie, Meenie, Minie, a sign on the wall...hmmm funny he thought...He just couldn't wait to get into his warm cozy bed...London was fun...but there’s no place like home....

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