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A Friend Indeed

Once upon a time in a beautiful forest lived a little mouse, he was a sweet little mouse, and a curious little mouse, and he loved to discover the world...Haxley woke up one morning, and looked out the window, the sky was gray and it was rainy..blahhh he thought, why can’t the sun come out and shine, it would make the day so much nicer, it was cold and damp in his room and he didn’t feel like getting out of bed, he pulled the blankets over his head and tucked his little hands under his chin. He felt sad...if he was a fish in the pond the rain wouldn’t affect him. He could swim and have fun  with his fish friends just the same. Sometimes being a mouse sucked!!..."Haxley...wake up my little sleepy head" he could hear his mother calling him from downstairs..."Come join us for breakfast" Haxley yanked down the blankets and sighed "Ughhh I don’t feel like breakfast" he muttered to himself. He looked in the mirror and wished he didn’t have such big front teeth, and his ears stuck out at the top of his head. Being a mouse sucks, he thought to himself again...He put on his socks, and his big toe popped out a hole at the top. His claws always made holes in his socks..."Figures!!" he exclaimed.."Ughhh" he stomped down the stairs to were his mother and father were already sipping their  hot tea, and eating banana pancakes.."Haxley why are you such a grumpy little mouse this morning?" His mother asked with honest concern..."Today is yuckie, and rainy, and I didn’t feel like getting out of bed, or eating breakfast, or being a mouse!" He said with a pouty face..."Ohhh dear" his mother said, "That is a problem...what’s so bad about being a mouse?"...she asked...Haxley just rolled his eyes and pointed to his big toe poking out of his ripped sock..."For starters...that is!" Haxley’s mother smiled, and put her hand on his shoulder..."My sweet boy, I can easily sew that hole need to be happy being you, cause you are very special, and we love you very much" she said in a soft voice...but Haxley didn’t want to hear it, all moms say that he thought..."Eat some pancakes" his mom prompted him to the table...Haxley nibbled on one, and when his mother wasn’t looking he shoved the other one in his pocket. He wasn’t hungry.."Look out the window Haxley" his father pointed. The clouds had turned from gray to white, and the rain had stopped, it still wasn’t sunny, but at least the  bad weather had blown over...Haxley took his opportunity. He jumped off his chair and put on his rubber boots.."I’m gonna go explore the forest" he shouted as the front door slammed behind him...he needed to get out of the house...but the forest was wet, and muddy and he didn’t really feel like being out there alone. He walked past the frog pond, the frogs were singing happily as usual. Why couldn’t he be a frog. He couldn’t sing at all, once he had sang along with the frogs, but he sang out of tune, and they laughed at him. Forget it, he didn’t wanna be a frog. But being a mouse sucked too!...He kept walking, past the Big Oak Tree...and suddenly he was almost hit in the head with an acorn.."What the...F.." he started saying..."Ohhhh sorry Haxley, Suzie the squirrel shouted down from a very high branch..I’m collecting acorns for a pie I’m making tonight.." she exclaimed..."Well be more careful!"  Haxley stated...He wished that he could climb trees like Suzie the squirrel...she had exquisite grace and balance...and it seemed as if she could almost fly when she glided from branch to branch...Haxley tried to climb a tree once...blahhh he just ended up with a big bump on the head...forget it, he didn’t wanna be a squirrel either!...Haxley walked through the forest feeling grumpy and depressed...he couldn’t swim like the fish in the pond, he couldn’t fly like the birds in the sky, he couldn’t run fast like the chipmunks...why did he have to be a mouse? He kept walking, he didn’t feel like being alone, but no one was out in the forest playing. It had started to drizzle again which just added to Haxley’s already gray mood...He turn left by the big mushroom towards the river...he thought he could hear someone...he turned his head to hear a little better. His big ears tuned in on a small cry...he started walking quicker, and quicker towards the the cries got louder..."Ouchhhhh...Help me...." ..As he approached he saw Cindy the Chipmunk she was laying in the mud by the river. She was all wet, and trembling. He could see a bright red stain on her fur...blood...he thought...she was struggling. "Omg what happened Cindy?"...Haxley asked her....The terrified little chipmunk could hardly speak...she nodded her head towards her little paws that were blood soaked...Haxley put his arms around her, "I will help you, please calm down and tell me what happened" she explained that last night she was running quickly through the forest, it was getting dark and she wanted to get home. Suddenly her paws got tangled up in some fishing line that must have been washed up on the bank of the river. The more she struggled the tighter the fishing line wrapped around her paws, she had been lying  there in the mud and rain all night long...Haxley quickly chewed thru the fishing line with his big front teeth...he washed the blood with water from the river...and took off his sock...the one with the big hole in it...Cindy was so tiny, it fit her like a dress...he reached into his pocket remembering the pancake he stuffed in there this morning at breakfast...he gave it to the starving little creature...Cindy was so thankful...she hugged him with tears in her eyes..."What would I do without you?" then he began to loud as he could...until the frogs from the frog pond came to see what the horrible noise was...he smiled as they arrived..." friend is hurt, will you swim down the river and take her home safely?" They agreed...and Haxley waved at Cindy...I will come check up on you tonight he promised....As Haxley walked home, he realized that without ears that stuck out he would never of hear the little voice by the river...and without big mouse teeth he never would of been able to chew through the fishing line, and without claws on his feet his big toe never would of made a hole that was just the right size...and  he was very, very thankful for those things...Being a mouse was a good thing...and he was he walked back into his home he ran and hugged his mother.."thank you for making me a mouse!" he exclaimed....His mother smiled, and asked.."Haxley whatever happened to your other sock?" He just smiled....and hugged her again...

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